天文学研究生凯特(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 Jennifer Lawrence 饰)和她的导师兰道尔博士(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)在一次研究中震惊的发现,一颗像喜马拉雅山那么大的彗星正在全速向地球靠近,不出意外的话,6个月之后,这颗彗星会抵达地球,将这里的一切都毁灭。凯特和兰道尔找到了美国总统奥尔良(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰),希望她能够重视此事,可是,他们得到的却是嘲笑和蔑视。之后,师徒两人转而向媒体求助,决定跳过政府,直接向民众揭露这个秘密,效果当然也不尽如人意,不仅如此,凯特还因为泄露了国家机密而遭到了FBI的逮捕。当奥尔良总统深陷艳照丑闻中之时,她终于想到了这两个可怜的科学家,于是,她决定再给他们一次机会,借由政府之口将地球将要毁灭的消息昭告天下。
A megalith rises from a sandy desert – or rather, a scale model of such a landscape. “I am the archive”, says a young female voice while ominous string music nails viewers to their seats. This opening sets the stage for the narrative and figurative language of Rithy Panh’s dense mnemonic essay which uses stunning dioramas to tell a twenty-first century dystopian story. After a ...
Less than 55 years ago, Dubai International Airport was a vast desert of sand. But today, it is a modern mecca of international air travel. With 344,000 flights, 57 million passengers and 2 million tons of cargo flying in and out each year, it is the world’s third busiest airport for international passengers. National Geographic Channel go behind-the-scenes of Dubai Internation...
With unprecedented access to all facets of this mega facility, the series follows some of the 60,000 staff working hard to keep it safe, secure, and on schedule.
Season two follows the renovation of both the airport's runways – a tricky enterprise that has the airport operating using only one runway for several months with huge pressure to finish the build on time. The series w...